There are lots of clever one-liners for generating random colors:
'#' + Math.floor(Math.random()*16777215).toString(16);
Unfortunately, this code naturally produces murky greys, browns and greens.
randomColor generates attractive colors by default. More specifically, randomColor produces bright colors with a reasonably high saturation. This makes randomColor particularly useful for data visualizations and generative art.
Once you’ve included randomColor.js on your page, calling randomColor() will return a random attractive color. Beneath is the output of randomColor called 54 times.
randomColor(); // Returned a random color as a hex string
You can also pass an options object to randomColor. This allows you to specify the hue, luminosity and the number of colors to generate.
randomColor({hue: 'red', count: 18});
randomColor({hue: 'orange', count: 18});
randomColor({hue: 'yellow', count: 18});
randomColor({hue: 'green', count: 18});
randomColor({hue: 'blue', count: 18});
randomColor({hue: 'purple', count: 18});
randomColor({hue: 'pink', count: 18});
randomColor({hue: '#00FFFF', count: 18});
randomColor({hue: 'monochrome', count: 18});
randomColor({luminosity: 'light',count: 27});
randomColor({luminosity: 'dark', count: 27});
randomColor({hue: 'random',luminosity: 'random',count: 54});